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My Approach

I strongly believe in developing a trusting environment in which my clients feel comfortable to grow and heal within their personal lives. It is important for each individual to be considered in their own personal context and this allows us to enter a journey of healing and development. Therapy does not give precise answers but rather helps the individual navigate their world or conflicts they may be facing.  Whilst I favour a psychodynamic approach to therapy it is dependent on the client and what I believe will work best in a particular scenario. Everyone is unique and I believe this important to consider in counselling.







Qualifications: BA Psychology &Criminology

BSOCSCI Honours Criminology and Criminal Justice

BA Honours Counselling Psychology

MA Research Psychology

ACCSA Basic Addiction Counsellor Certificate  


"​Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength"

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I completed my Dynamic Interpsonal Therapy (DIT) practitoner training through the Anna Freud Centre.


DIT is a time limited psychodynamic therapy. DIT explores things that may have happened in your past, which could impact the way you see yourself and others. This in turn may be affecting the way you feel and behave.   DIT provides a safe place to talk openly about how you feel and to understand what might be causing your difficulties. 


DIT- 16 sessions (100 pound per session)


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